Halloween is right around the corner, so you know what that means; its time for the Thriller Line Dance! We had a ton of fun teaching it last year, but it is a little tricky to learn in 30 minutes or less so this year we’re going to throw a special Saturday workshop and teach it for a full hour to help you have it looking on point in time for all your Halloween parties this year! And who knows, it might help you win a nice prize at our Halloween Dance this year! (*Hint, hint:)

It needs to be mentioned that this will be a line dance adapted from the Thriller Dance from the Thriller music video (if you’ve never seen it, spot what you are doing and watch it right now:). The dance in the music video wasn’t originally created to be a 4-wall line dance, much like the popular Fake ID line dance. The line dance we will be teaching will use many parts of the original dance with a few tweaks to turn it into a usable line dance. It’s going to be a great time and something you’ll be able to use every Halloween from here on out!

Difficulty: 64 Count 4-Wall Intermediate Line Dance with 1 Restart

When: Saturday October 20th 2018

Time: 1-2 PM

Price: $8

Location: Scootin’ Boots Dance Hall- 515 N Stapley Dr. Mesa, AZ 85203

Spread the word, bring your friends, and come Scoot you Boots!

Categories: Events